INFP 性格类型: 创意探索者
INFP 性格类型:富有创造力的探索者INFP 富有创造力、古怪、人性化和原创性。像INFJ 一样,他们想了解自己是谁以及他们在世界上的目的。好奇又不安,你喜欢探索新的想法和可能性。我很少感到满意。这与他们强烈的理想主义相结合,可以产生一种“喜新厌旧”的心态。
INFP 富有创造力、古怪、有爱心、自私,并且像INFJ 一样,他们总是想知道自己是谁、为什么以及他们来到这个世界的目的是什么。他们总是充满好奇并欢迎新的观点和可能性。他们不太关心现在发生的事情,而更关心未来会发生的事情。这加上他们强烈的理想主义,很容易导致诸如“此山仰望那山”之类的问题。 “精神的。
INFP 是最开放的人格类型之一,虽然不如ENFP,但他们在探索不同的想法、生活方式和经历时为生活带来了实验态度。Masu。通过每一次新的经历,INFP 不仅看到了了解世界的机会,还看到了了解自己和人生目标的机会。
他们对世界的好奇心,包括它在定义一个人的身份方面的潜在作用,可能会促使INFP 去旅行并采取流动的生活方式,例如探索其他文化。你可以选择住在车里或去树林里。只要INFP 发现这种探索令人兴奋且赋予生命,他们就会继续探索,即使面临采取更传统路径的压力。
INFP 探究的驱动力是通过对社会和文化的批判性观察而获得并得以延续的。他们常常认为自己与周围文化截然不同或不一致,可能感觉自己是局外人或反社会者。他们可能对“传统智慧”持谨慎态度。 ”,宁愿无视社会的规定,走自己的路。
积累财富和物质财富很少出现在INFP的优先考虑清单上。金钱只有在它为你提供时间和自由来探索你最深的激情时才有价值。考虑到物质福利对INFP 来说相对不重要,为了薪水而做任何事情、做卑微的工作的想法总是让他们感到反感。
当INFP 探索自己时,他们最终会遇到一些深深感动或启发他们的东西。有时感觉就像你终于找到了你想要的东西。但这种热情往往不会持续太久。由于INFP 渴望找到自我,随着时间的推移,当新发现的新鲜感逐渐消失时,他们可能会变得沮丧和士气低落。他们不想永远成为探索者。他们希望他们的探索努力能够最终为他们的生活带来信心和方向。
在INFP的自我发现之旅中,他们通常会陷入一些深深感动和鼓舞人心的事物中,甚至觉得这就是他们一直在寻找的东西。然而,当新事物的面纱出现在他们眼前时,他们的热情往往会冷却下来。随着时间的推移,他们常常变得疲惫和沮丧。他们有强烈的寻找自我的愿望,但又不想一直当一个探寻者,他们希望最终能找到自己人生的目的,希望通过长期的探索努力,能为你找到明确的答案。生活目标。 INFP人格类型发展功能堆栈
INFP 人格发展和功能类型每个人格类型都喜欢使用荣格首先描述的八种功能中的四种。这四个功能组成了它的“功能栈”。对这四个特征的偏好的相对强度用以下方式表示: 对主导和辅助INFP 的第一偏好是Fi,其次分别是Ne、Si 和Te。这显示在他们的功能堆栈排列中:
每种人格类型都使用四种功能来控制其生活。 INFP的主要功能是Fi(内向情感),次要功能是Ne(外向直觉),第三功能是Si(内向感觉),第四功能是Te(外向思维)。功能堆栈INFP功能类型主导:内向情感( Fi)—— 主导功能:内向感觉(Fi) 辅助功能: 外向直觉(Ne) —— 辅助功能:外向直觉(Ne) 第三功能: 内向感觉(Si) —— 第三功能:内向感觉(Si) 劣势: 外向思维(Te) —— 第四功能:外向思维(Te)
稍后我们将更详细地讨论上述每个特征,但现在我们将重点关注INFP 人格的另一个特征:类型发展。与所有类型一样,INFP 类型的发展分为三个阶段。这些阶段大致对应于函数堆栈的顺序,Fi 是第一个绽放的函数,Ne 是第二个函数,依此类推。这比预期要早。
在我们更详细地了解INFP的四种功能类型之前,让我们首先关注INFP人格发展的阶段。 INFP人格发展分为三个阶段: 第一阶段(童年)
第一阶段的特点是探索和发展内向情感(Fi),这是INFP的主要功能。 INFP从小就往往是“高度敏感的人”(HSP)。他们不仅对自己的情绪敏感,而且对他人的情绪也敏感。他们在冲突情况下感到不安和焦虑,因此在独处时间中寻求庇护,并在白日梦、阅读、绘画和听音乐等孤独活动中寻求慰藉。随着时间的推移,他们通过探索自己的情感(Fi) 和想象力(Ne) 来发展自己的自我意识。
第二阶段:青春期至三十岁第二阶段包括辅助功能(Ne)的进一步发展,以及主导功能Fi 和劣势功能外向思维(Te)之间的极性和冲突的增加。Masu。
作为孩子,INFP 发挥着探索者的作用,他们通过情感和想象力探索世界,但随着他们接近成年,他们的探索倾向(Ne) 变得更加强烈和明显。随着年龄的增长,我们开始更加认真地思考自己的人生轨迹。
Ne的自由和探索方式受到INFP第三阶段Si和劣等Te的压制和对抗。这些鼓励他们“承担责任”并走更传统的道路。 INFP 更传统地遵循这种提示功能(例如,获得学位、找到工作、结婚等),并且可能看起来不太像一个探索者,但他们相信自己选择的道路是正确的。如果你断定某些东西不属于您自己,您可能更容易遭受中年身份危机。第二阶段INFP发现自己在非常规路径(Fi-Ne)和传统路径(Si-Te)之间左右为难,试图找出最适合他们的路径。
INFP的Ne功能的开放性和探索性方面与他们的第三功能Si(内向情感)和第四功能Te(外向思维)发生冲突和冲突。 Si 和Te 功能敦促您“承担”责任并“遵循传统做法”。小路。 “一些INFP遵循他们的Si和Te功能的指示并变得传统(例如获得学位,找到工作,结婚等)一些INFP看起来不再像探险家。危机,当你意识到你已经走的路选择的并不是你真正想要的。当然,第二阶段的INFP通常具有非常规(Fi-Ne主导)和传统(Si-Te主导)性格的组合。),并且总是试图找出哪一个更重要对他们有效。第三阶段(30多岁、40多岁、之后)
第三阶段:你的30 多岁、40 多岁及以后第三阶段代表了良好整合的个性。根据Elaine Sharrock 的说法,当功能堆栈以“自上而下”的方式一致使用时,就会发生集成。这意味着功能是最佳的。她建议,如果长期一致使用,自上而下的方法自然会导致所有功能的更大开发和集成。
第三阶段代表了更加全面、完整和完整的人格。根据Elaine Schallock 的说法,当所有功能都可以按照“自上而下”的顺序和谐地自由使用时,集成通常就会发生。我们认为,最好按照“主辅助第三功能第四功能”的优先顺序来考虑这些功能,而如果继续按照这个优先顺序使用,这四个功能将会得到更恰当的整合。
对于寻求整合的INFP 来说,也许最重要的第一步是学习如何有效且常规地转变为Ne 感知。要理解为什么这如此重要,您需要记住Fi 不仅是一种内向功能,而且还是一种判断功能。 (T和F函数是判断函数)因此,需要外向性和感知性来抵消Fi。这正是Ne 作为一种外向感知功能可以为INFP 所做的事情。
对于INFP 来说,寻找和谐统一的第一步,也许也是最重要的一步,就是学习如何有效、定期地使用他们的Ne 功能(外向直觉)。要理解为什么这一步如此重要,你需要明白INFP的主导功能Fi(内向情感)不仅是内向功能,而且是判断功能(所有TF都是判断功能)。因此,需要外向且直观的功能来对抗Fi 功能。碰巧的是,Ne 功能可以为INFP 提供这种帮助。
晰认知,以及知道怎么样过上既真实又高效的生活。这让他们感觉到更强的安全感、既立足于自身,又立足于这个世界。INFPs’ Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi) INFP的主导功能:内向情感(Fi)INFPs are deeply aware of and in touch with their inner landscape. Their dominant Fi is inwardly focused and adept at evaluating and handling their personal tastes, values, and emotions. Because Fi is introverted in direction, INFPs process their emotions and experiences on a largely independent basis. With each new feeling, experience, or idea they evaluate, their sense of self becomes a little clearer. This was nicely enumerated by one of our blog readers: INFP可以非常深层次地感受到他们自己的内心世界,并与之产生连结。他们的主导功能Fi最主要地影响了他们内在偏好、价值观、情感、人格的建立。 因为Fi是一个内向型的功能,因此INFP形成他们情感、经验的过程非常的独立。每一次新的感受、体验、或者想法,都能让他们对自身的认知更明晰一层。我的一位博客贡献者对Fi有非常精妙的描述: My inner values and feelings (Fi) are like a building, a structure of affections that inform my worldview. This involves an inner love for certain things, and an inner repulsion for other things. My values and feelings form “blocks” of varying hardness, depending on how strongly I feel about them; the stronger ones are more resilient…I constantly discover more about the structure as I go, and what I should change to make it better. For example, I didn’t have to factually discern a respect for human dignity; I simply found myself in situations where people did not respect human dignity, and it made me angry — I found out that I hate bullying. 我的Fi功能就像是一座楼,一座表现我世界观的楼。它的上层是我所爱的事物,下层是我讨厌的其他事物,我对不同事物的感情就类似组成这座楼的砖头,砖头的软硬根据我的感情强烈程度不同而不同,如果我的感情非常强烈,这块砖就坚不可摧,如果我的感情非常轻微,那么这块砖就没那么坚硬。随着生活的前进,我常常发掘和审视我自己的这座楼,看看我能做些什么让它看上去更好。比如,我常常能够发现我不需要对人权问题有明确的态度,但当我遇到欺凌事件的时候,我只是简单的发现自己非常的生气——这就是我讨厌欺凌的表现。 By reflecting on the experiences of life, whether gleaned from fiction or real life, INFPs come to better understand themselves. Despite this journey toward deeper understanding, INFPs often feel that their self-understanding remains incomplete. They may still feel they don’t know themselves well enough to wholeheartedly commit to a certain path in life. And they feel it is only through a more complete or definite self-understanding that they will be capable of acting with full authenticity and conviction. 通过反复不断地思考自己的人生经验,无论从书本中还是现实中获得的那些经验,INFP可以越来越好的了解自己。尽管在深层认知这条路上,INFP始终觉得他们的认知还不够完善,他们常常觉得正是因为他们还不足够地认知自己才无法全心全意选择出一条确定的人生道路。 以及他们通常认为只有通过越来越完善、越来越彻底的自我认知才能使他们有能力做出一个最贴近真实和确定的选择。 In addition to its role in shaping INFPs’ self-understanding and identity, Fi can develop deep attachments and loyalties to certain externalities. INFPs are particularly prone to empathize with and develop attachments to those unable to help or care for themselves—animals, children, the less fortunate, victims of injustice, etc. They can often be found caring for the elderly, sick, disabled, and disenfranchised. Animal lovers to the core, they shower their pets with affection while also showing deep concern for strays. If sufficiently moved or inspired, INFPs may also take up a niche cause, such as garnering research funding for a rare disease affecting a loved one. Finally, many INFPs want (or will eventually want) their own children. Children can serve as a reliable and rewarding lifelong investment for INFPs’ love and attention. 除了可以塑造INFP的自我认知和身份认同以外,Fi功能还可以对一些特定的外部事物发展出很深的连结和忠诚性。INFP通常容易对那些没有能力照顾好自己的种群产生同情和情感连结——小动物、儿童、贫穷者、不公正待遇的受害者等等。他们通常会照顾老人、病人、残疾人和被剥夺权力的人。如果被充分的感动和鼓舞到,他们还可能发起一项事业,比如为一些罕见疾病感染者争取到研究基金。最终,一些INFP会想要他们自己的孩子,孩子最终会成为INFP寄托自己爱与关怀的一个可信赖的、值得终身投资的载体。 Due to the introverted nature of Fi, INFPs’ status as feelers is not always evident from without. When immersed in Fi, they can seem a bit cool, aloof, or indifferent. Jung, rarely one to mince words in his type descriptions, described the introverted feeler (i.e., IFPs) in the following way: 由于Fi功能的内向性特征,因此INFP作为一个知觉者的角色通常非常不明显。当他们沉浸在Fi功能中时,他们甚至看上去是有点冷酷的、漠然的、浑然不关心的,Jung在他的人格类型的叙述中,直言不讳地描述一个内向型的感知者: They are mostly silent, inaccessible, hard to understand; often they hide behind a childish or banal mask, and their temperament is inclined to melancholy…Their outward demeanor is harmonious, inconspicuous…with no desire to affect others, to impress, influence or change them in any way. If this is more pronounced, it arouses suspicion of indifference and coldness…Although there is a constant readiness for peaceful and harmonious co-existence, strangers are shown no touch of amiability, no gleam of responsive warmth…It might seem on a superficial view that they have no feelings at all. -Psych. Types (Para. 640-641) 他们通常很安静、看上去难以接近、难以理解,通常隐藏在一具看上去孩子气或者很平庸的面具之下,他们的性情倾向于忧郁的、悲伤的,他们表面的举止又是平静的、低调的,没有任何欲望去影响别人、鼓动别人、改变别人。更极端的情况下,他们给人的感觉会是冷淡的、冷漠的。尽管和谐安详一直始终如一地存在于他们的内心,但对于外人他们却表现得并不亲切热情,甚至从外表上看是一个丝毫没有感情的人。 Of course, this sort of outer presentation belies what we know about INFPs’ inner world, which is abundant with life and feeling. It is also true that many INFPs compensate for their lack of extraverted feeling by invoking their auxiliary Ne. When wielding Ne, INFPs are more outwardly open, receptive, quirky, and engaging. 当然,这一系列的外在表现都只是在掩饰INFP真实的内在世界——一个拥有着丰富情感和生命力的内在世界。同时,也有很多INFP通过唤醒他们的辅助功能Ne来弥补他们在外部感知上的缺陷。通常,当INFP们更好的发挥起他们的Ne功能,他们将对外界更开放、更乐于接受和融入。INFPs’ Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne) INFP的辅助功能:外向直觉(Ne)Ne demands novelty. It craves new ideas, connections, and possibilities. It seeks to understand the world (and the self) through the lens of ideas. It therefore comes as no surprise that Ne plays a prominent role in INFPs’ search for self. Ne功能强烈地渴望新鲜的体验,它渴求新的观念、新的逻辑联系和潜在的可能性,它试图通过一系列的概念和观点来理解这个世界和本我。因此也很自然Ne功能成为了INFP们探索自我的一个决定性功能。 Among Ne’s manifold talents is its knack for sniffing out intriguing possibilities. As we’ve seen, INFPs commonly assume the role of wanderer or seeker. Rarely do they know exactly what they are seeking, which is largely why operating in Ne mode can be exhilarating. Ne can be associated with a sense of blind anticipation and expectation, of not knowing who or what will manifest next in one’s life journey. INFPs relish the sense of adventure, expectancy, and wonderment conferred by Ne. This is one reason they enjoy traveling. The idea of exploring nature or different cultures feels rife with possibilities. A serendipitous encounter with a kindred spirit, the discovery of a life-changing book, finding inspiration through ancient art and architecture, such are the anticipated rewards of following Ne. 在Ne功能所具备的多种天赋中,其中一项是,它会被潜在可能性直觉地吸引。正如我们所知,INFP通常被认定为是一个漂泊者或者探索者,他们很少能清楚地知道他们在追寻着什么,这也是为什么对他们而言发展Ne功能是一件无比兴奋的事情。Ne功能对潜在可能性的好奇,通常与另一种感觉紧密相关——即不知道未来究竟会怎样,无法预料未来会遇见什么样的人事,但又对未来有着盲目的期待。INFP享受Ne功能带给他们的那份始终在探险、在期待、在憧憬的感觉,这也是他们无比享受旅行的原因之一,这种探索大自然、探索不同文化和文明的状态充满了各种各样的可能性。与志同道合者的一场不期而遇,一本人生之书的发现,古老的艺术和建筑带来了深深的震动,这都是Ne功能会给INFP带来的回报。 Ne can function either expressively or receptively. The verbal expression of Ne amounts to something like “brainstorming aloud.” When speaking, INFPs may at times struggle to make their point, as Ne bounces from one idea or association to the next. Even ideas that seem inwardly cogent to the INFP may scatter when expressed, like a ray of light passing through a prism. Ne功能可以表现为非常善于表达或者非常有洞察力。“外向直觉”(Ne)这个词的意思相当于“说出声的头脑风暴”。在说话时,INFP通常很难去总结出他们的观点,因为正如Ne功能的思维模式是:习惯于从一个观点跳到另一个相关的观点。即使一个想法在内心还相当肯定,但等INFP说出来时通常就散漫不堪了,就像一束光线穿越一面棱镜那样发散开来。 On a more positive note, INFPs often capitalize on the pergent and persifying effects of Ne through inspired works of art or innovation. Whether they realize or not, INFPs are among the most profoundly creative of all types. 值得庆幸的是,INFP通常极大化地发挥了Ne功能在接纳多样性上的天分,能创造出鼓舞人心的艺术作品和跨时代的发明革新。无论他们是否能意识到,INFP们都是所有人格型中最具有创造力的人。 When operating receptively, Ne prompts INFPs to gather information. It scans for new patterns, associations, and possibilities. INFPs commonly exercise this side of their Ne through activities such as reading, research, entertainment, and conversation with others. 在非常有洞察力这一点上,Ne功能鼓励INFP不断的获取信息,从任何新的模式、关系、和可能性中仔细搜寻一切有价值的信息。INFP通常通过阅读、科研、娱乐、和与别人交流来锻炼他们的Ne功能。 In engaging with others, INFPs enjoy asking probing questions. They find it interesting to explore the unique qualities of every inpidual, as well as the life story that explains or gives context to those characteristics. Hence, INFPs are typically viewed as good listeners as well as facilitators of conversation. Others sense and appreciate that the INFP is authentically interested in understanding them for who they are as inpiduals, and that they are doing so in a non-threatening and non-judgmental way. 在与人交往的过程中,INFP喜欢询问别人各种探究性的问题,他们觉得去探索每一个个体身上独特的品质和特征、探索他们的人生故事来进一步解释他们的人格特质是一件非常有趣的事情。因此,INFP通常被看作是好的聆听者和谈话的协调人,别人能由衷地感受到INFP是真正有兴趣了解他这个个体,不带有任何压迫感的、主观判断的,去了解他们。 Like INTPs, INFPs have a love-hate relationship with their Ne. They relish the sense of wonder, curiosity, and anticipation it instills, as well as its creativity and openness. Without their Ne, they would not be the seekers and creatives that they are. But living with Ne is not without its challenges. For one, it can make it difficult for INFPs to arrive at firm conclusions or make important life decisions. It often seems that at the very moment they feel confident about a given conclusion or decision, Ne finds a way to inject doubt and uncertainty. This can be frustrating for INFPs who feel they are working so hard to find their rightful place in the world. At times, Ne may even cause them to worry that they have made no real progress toward anything substantial, or worse, that they may never find what they are looking for. 和INTP一样,INFP也对他们的Ne功能爱恨交加,一方面他们享受着Ne带给他们的期待感和好奇心,也正是由于这些,才塑造了INFP的创造力和开放性。如果没有Ne功能,INFP不会成为一个探索者和创造者。可另一方面,和Ne功能相处,也是一件非常有挑战性的事情,其中之一就是,Ne功能使得INFP很难得出一个坚定的结论或者做出一个真正重要的人生抉择。通常情况是,当INFP好不容易对于一个结论或者决定充满信心和热情时,他们的Ne功能会跳出来,找出质疑点和不确定性。这让INFP精疲力尽、无比丧气,因为他们分明觉察到:为了找到一条正确的道路他们已经付出了太多太多,而Ne功能让他们甚至怀疑,是不是他们在找寻确定性这件事情上只是在原地踏步、一无所获,或者更糟糕的,是不是他们其实永远都不可能找到他们想要的东西。INFPs’ Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing (Si) INFP的第三功能:内向感受(Si)Introverted Sensing (Si) is a conservative function. It engenders a concern and respect for the past—for what is routine, familiar, or traditional. 内向感受(Si)是一个非常传统保守型的功能,它关注并重视过去——常规性的、已熟知的、传统性的事物。 While INFPs may appreciate some amount of routine in their lives, such as devoting a certain time of day to creative work, they are less inclined to wholeheartedly embrace traditions or conventions in the manner of SJ types. For INFPs, a full embrace of tradition can only emerge authentically after they explore it (and its alternatives) through the lens of Fi and Ne. So even when a given tradition manages to pass muster, it is only after INFPs have personalized it and made it their own, interpreting it in a way that resonates with their deepest values. 尽管INFP也会遵从于一些日常生活的常规计划,比如:每天花费固定的时间去做一些有创新性的工作,但他们很少很少很少会像SJ型人格的人们那样,全身心地拥抱传统和惯例。对于INFP来说,要全心全意地接受一项传统事物只有可能发生在他们已经首先使用了Fi功能和Ne功能进行过判断之后,即:只有在他们已经用他们内在的价值观和直觉判断去审视过某一个传统、主流的惯例,并与之产生了内在共鸣后,才会接受这一个传统,并带上他们自己个性化的色彩。 The influence of Si may also be reflected in INFPs’ attitudes toward money and material goods. INFPs are often minimalists with respect to possessions. Many opt for rather simple living arrangements so they can devote more time and energy to pursuing their true passions. This tendency toward material minimalism is often discernible in their style of dress and artistic preferences. Namely, their approach often entails the creative reuse or recombination (Ne) of pre-existing resources (Si) to fashion something new. In this spirit, many INFPs supply their wardrobes, homes, and art rooms with items from thrift shops, antique stores, or garage sales. Si功能在INFP身上的作用可以表现在他们对待金钱和物质的态度上。INFP在财物上通常是极简主义者,他们宁愿在生活上极尽简单,来把更多的时间和精力都放在追求他们的内在激情上。这一对物质的极简主义在他们的衣着方式和审美品味上体现得淋漓尽致。即:他们通常能有效地调动他们的创造力(Ne功能)和已有的资源(Si功能)来打造出新的时尚,在这方面,比如很多INFP喜欢采购那些二手店、古董店、车库拍卖会上的物品来装扮他们的衣柜、房子或者美术室。 An oft overlooked feature of Si is its role in the perception of internal bodily sensations—the body as felt and experienced from within. Si can be associated with the raw and basic sense of “being” that exists apart from thought or outward stimuli. Historically, Eastern philosophical and religious traditions have led the way in exploring this domain of human experience through practices such as yoga, Tai-Chi, or meditation. Because of INFPs’ openness to new experiences (Ne), as well as their desire to explore the mind-body connection and enhance their sense of well-being, many are drawn to these sorts of holistic practices (especially yoga). 一个经常被忽略掉的Si功能的作用是,对内在身体状态的感知。Si功能可以感受到身体上那份最原始的、最根本的生命“存在”的感受,不需要任何思考或者外界的刺激,就是身体本身的存在感。历史上,东方哲学和宗教在探索“用身体本身来感知存在”的经验中上产生了很多的练习方法,比如瑜伽、太极、或者冥想。由于INFP本身对新鲜体验的开放心态(Ne功能),以及他们对寻求身与心的连结来扩充他们对自我存在的感知的渴望,使得很多INFP会尝试这些练习方法,尤其是瑜伽。 Finally, what may be the most important benefit of Si for INFPs is its role in consolidating and recalling past experiences and life lessons. It can therefore keep INFPs from repeating past mistakes and help them clarify their future direction. Exploring evidence from the past can instill greater confidence in who they are and what they care about, aiding the consolidation and crystallization of their self-concept. 最后,对INFP来说,Si功能一个最重要的作用是帮助他们唤醒并整合他们过去的人生经验和教训,从而使INFP不再重复过去犯过的错误,帮助他们辨明他们未来的道路。过去的这些探索经验和结论也会逐步形成INFP对自我认知的信心,帮他们建立起更稳固的自我的概念。INFPs’ Inferior Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te) INFP的第四功能:外向思考(Te)Whether they realize it or not, INFPs’ life quest is well understood as one of discovering and integrating their inferior function, which is sometimes called the “lost” or “missing” function. There is something indelibly magical and mysterious about the inferior function, which makes it a powerful source of energy and motivation for all types. 无论他们是否意识得到,INFP的人生诉求在他们发现并整合了他们的第四功能(Te外向思考)后将变得很好理解,然而可惜的是,Te功能几乎是他们一个遗失掉的功能。Te功能有着几乎魔术般的神奇力量,使得它几乎成为所有人格型的重要能量和动力来源。 INFPs’ inferior function, Extraverted Thinking (Te), approaches and structures the world in explicitly rational ways. It may do so for the sake of acquiring knowledge (e.g., science), developing new tools and technologies, or maintaining order by ways of explicit rules, policies, and procedures. As an extraverted judging function, it also serves as a tool for verbally asserting, in a deliberate and rational fashion, judgments and directives. INFP的弱势功能——外向思考功能(Te)可以用非常明确、理性的方式来看待和解构这个世界。它可以获取知识(比如科学),开发新的工具和技术,通过明确的规则、政策和程序来维持秩序。作为一个外向型的判断功能,Te也能以一种非常深思熟虑的、合理性的结论或指令的形式,来作为一个向外主张的工具。 However, because Te is largely unconscious for INFPs, its powers are difficult to directly and consistently harness. This elusiveness contributes to its allure and mystique, which is illustrated, for instance, in INFPs’ frequent attraction to characteristically T-oriented careers such as math, science, law, economics, computers, engineering, etc. But the elusive nature of Te can also prove to be a source of great frustration and hardship for INFPs. Because it seems so out of reach and difficult to reconcile with their dominant Fi, INFPs may wonder if they will ever find lasting peace and contentment. 然而,由于Te功能对于INFP来说几乎是无意识的功能,因此它的能力很难被INFP们直接且持续的利用。这种很少使用的情况使得Te功能充满了神秘感,正好可以说明,为什么一些明显Te导向的行业却对INFP充满了吸引力,比如数学、科学、法律、经济、计算机科学、工程学等等。然而对Te功能的缺失也是INFP时常觉得沮丧和挫败的原因之一。由于Te功能和他们的主导型功能Fi实在是差别太大,似乎太难能达成融合,因此INFP会怀疑他们是否能找到永恒的平静和满足。 好 多 啊 读下来,部分属性还是和INTJ有相似性的。读再多了,可能就会混了…..【infj哲学,infp 哲学家】相关文章: